New Year, Time To Learn The Latest Houseplant Trends
The trend for houseplants continues to grow as people are becoming more enthusiastic about the benefits of indoor plants in their homes or at work. Plants are a great way to bring nature into your home and reduce stress while also contributing to the environment.
According to Floral Marketing Fund’s recent Consumer Houseplant Purchasing Report, when asked if houseplants make them happy, a combined 92.7% answered yes (36.1% strongly agreed, 35.6% agreed and 21.0% somewhat agreed). Only 2.0% of Purchasers answered that houseplants did not make them feel happier, and 5.4% took no stance. This data shows the trend in the growth of houseplant ownership is here to stay.
Here are seven houseplant trends for 2023, you don’t want to miss out on:
Board Leaf Foliage – As you might have guessed from the name, broad leaf foliage plants are known for their large leaves. Under this category, you will find popular plants such as Monstera deliciosa, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Alocasia, and Birds of Paradise to name a few. The large leaves will become a focal point in your home. They can make a small room look larger.
Flowering Plants - Flowering plants have been proven to have many benefits both inside and outside of the home. They can be used as natural decorations or even help you breathe easier by absorbing toxins from the air. Some popular flowering plants are Orchids, African Violet, Peace Lily, and Kalanchoe. These houseplants can add color and brighten up your home or office. Some of these can also add fragrance to your home.
Trailing Plants - When it comes to decorating your home, there are many plants that you can choose from. Some people go for the same old plants in their house while others find new ones such as trailing plants. Our favorite trailing plants include Pothos, Spider Plants, Philodendron, Fishbone Cactus, and String of Hearts. Hanging plants will also make your plant or office look beautiful and they keep the plants off the floor. This is great if you have pets in your home.
Variegated Plants - Variegated houseplants can add an artistic and decorative touch to any residence or office space. Varied colors provide vibrancy and vitality to a room, which is something that can be lacking in your office or home. Some interesting, variegated plants are Philodendron Birkin, Tradescantia Zebrina, Monstera Deliciosa ‘Albovariegata’, Calathea Orbifolia, Aglaonema ‘Silver Queen’, and Watermelon Peperomia. Variegated plants are often used in interior design because of their wide variety of colors and shapes. They look great in both large and small spaces.
Kitchen Gardens – Kitchen gardens have become popular because they bring nature and happy feelings into your home. They are a great way to have fresh herbs and vegetables in your meals. This means you can save money and have healthy ingredients in your food.
Improved Potting Mixes - Improved potting mixes are increasingly popular because people are interested in finding better products for their plants. They are looking for sustainable, fertilizing, and cost-effective products. They represent an opportunity to conserve energy, water, and resources while at the same time providing a healthy environment for your plants to grow in. These special potting mixes can imitate the natural habitats of these plants.
Houseplant Education - Educating the public on houseplants is important because as they take on the responsibility of owning new plants or adding more to their collections, we want them to be successful. Houseplant education includes many different topics such as understanding how plants grow, the benefits of having plants indoors, the varieties of plants you can buy, and tips on caring for your houseplants.