Help Pollinators In The Garden With These Simple Tips
Pollinators are essential for the quality of our environment. They are also an important link in our food chain. Unfortunately, many pollinator populations are in decline due to habitat destruction, climate change, insecticides, disease, and other factors. It is not too late to help pollinators in the garden!
Here are some simple tips to get started increasing pollinator populations in your garden:
Plant A Variety Of Plants In Different Colors And Shapes
A garden with plants of all different colors and shapes not only looks beautiful but also attracts butterflies. Butterflies are good for the environment because they help pollinate plants. A variety of plants provides a variety of nutrients to the soil, which prevents nutrient deficiencies in other plants. Planting a variety of flowers also helps attract bees to make honey - a natural sweetener. Different types of flowers attract different types of insects, so it is important to plant a diverse range of flowers to support as many insect species as possible. A variety of plants in different colors and shapes will also add interest and design to any space.
Mix Plants So Blooms Are Continuous From Spring to Fall
Pollinators need continuous blooming flowers to survive. Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators need to find flowers that are in bloom to pollinate. They have a unique ecological niche that is necessary for them to survive. Pollinators don't have a specific time of day or season when they need to be feed, which means that their food sources need to be available almost all year round. This continuous flow of food is especially important for all of us.
Create A Nature Water Source
Pollinators such as bees and butterflies need water in order to maintain the life cycle. They use water for drinking and to cool off by dipping their wings. Freshwater does not contain harmful chemicals that would be bad for them to drink. While they can find freshwater from streams, ponds, and puddles, try adding a small birdbath, to your garden to make it easier for them.
Use Native Plants In Your Garden When Possible
Pollinators are at risk due to the destruction of their habitats and the use of pesticides. Native plants can offer a solution to these problems. These plants provide food, shelter, and nesting sites for pollinators. They also produce nectar which provides an energy source for these insects. This nectar is more nutritious than that produced by non-native plants because it has higher protein content and other compounds that are better suited to the needs of pollinators. Native plants reduce the risks associated with pesticide use for human health and wildlife populations who interact with pollinators.
Plant Flowers In A Sunny Area Protected From The Wind
Many flowers need more than six hours of sun a day to flourish. Find a location that is protected from the wind to protect the delicate wings of pollinators. Having a protected area like this with plenty of flowers will help pollinators flourish.
Let us know if you have any other tips to help pollinators!