DIY-Container Water Gardening

July 22, 2017

As I write this we’re coming to the end of another 90 + degree day. Is there a better topic to write about than cool, refreshing water? It just feels cooler to write about it and I find...

DIY: Urban Gardening Kit

May 28, 2017

Just because you don’t have a large backyard doesn’t mean you can’t have yummy fresh vegetables this summer. If you have a deck, balcony or patio than our urban gardening kit may...

DIY: Making a Pumpkin Planter

October 16, 2016

Nearly anything that holds dirt can be turned into a planter and that includes a pumpkin. Pumpkin planters make an interesting fall decoration whether they are in groups or by themselves. They can...

Nasturtiums: Easy and Edible

April 03, 2016

Nasturtiums have a well-deserved reputation as an easy flower to grow. They are the perfect plant to grow with your children as the seed, which is about the size of a pea, is easily handled by...

Christmas Cactus…A Family Plant

November 28, 2015

The Christmas Cactus was discovered growing in Brazil by European explorers in the early part of the 19th century. While a member of the cactus family this plant is unique as unlike its brethren...

You Won’t Have “Bad Blood” With Iresine

November 15, 2015

Iresine is also commonly referred to as blood leaf and you’ll have no “bad blood” with your neighbors if you grow this beauty! This plant is native to Brazil where it can grow up...

Try Calendula for Cool Season Color

August 09, 2015

Pansies, asters and chrysanthemums all deserve the attention they get in fall flower gardens and containers, but if you’ve never grown calendulas before you’ve been missing out on a...

Here Chickee, Here Chickee

July 12, 2015

If you looked up the definition of versatility in the gardening dictionary it probably should just say “Hens and Chicks”; few plants rival its ability to adapt to a variety of growing...

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