Beautiful Begonias Are Having A Revival In The Garden
If you are looking for a beautiful, unique, and vibrant addition to your garden, tuberous begonias are the perfect choice. These plants have long been admired for their large, showy blooms and lush foliage. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, making them great for creating stunning displays in any garden. They are easy to care for and can thrive in both sunny and shady spots. Whether you’re looking to add some color to your outdoor space or just want something unique, tuberous begonias will make a great addition to any garden.
I grow these begonias every year and can confirm their large, gorgeous blooms and attractive foliage. I have planted them in sunny and shady locations. They are easy to grow and require minimal maintenance. They come in shades of white, pink, red, orange, yellow, and even multicolored varieties. Depending on the variety, some can have solid or ruffled petals, and some may even have variegated leaves.
The biggest bonus of these flowers is they will flower from summer until the first frost. This means you will have beautiful flowers for many months. The foliage is interesting too as some varieties have rounded leaves and others have a tapered shape.
History Of Begonias
Begonias were first discovered in 1690 in the tropical regions of South America by Charles Plumier, and they are now cultivated in many parts of the world. Plumier named them after Michel Begon, who supported his expedition. Begon was an avid botanist who collected and studied plants from all over the world. He is credited with introducing begonias to Europe and giving them their name. Today, there are over 1,500 species of begonias that can be found in tropical and subtropical climates around the world.
Planting And Care Of Begonias
The tubers of the begonia have an interesting appearance that can range from small and round to long and thin. The size of the tuber is determined by the type of begonia, but generally, they are between 1-2 inches in length and width. The color can vary from light brown to dark red, depending on the variety. Tubers also have numerous bumps, ridges, and spots that give them their unique texture. It is hard to believe such a large plant can be grown from these tubers.
The best time to plant begonia tubers is when the soil has warmed up and there is less chance of frost. Planting them too early can cause them to rot in the cold soil while waiting too late can lead to poor growth or no blooms at all.
Find a location that has morning or late afternoon sun. The direct hot sun can burn the foliage and the flowers. Too much shade will make the plant lanky.
Plant the tuber with the convex side down. Your tuber might show some growth on the shallow top when you receive them. Place the tubers 10-12 inches apart. If you are confused, you can plant the tuber on its side. Cover them with half an inch to an inch of soil. Make sure the soil drains well.
These tubers can be planted in containers. When planting make sure the containers are large and have drainage holes.
After planting in the ground or in a container, water the tubers.
Begonias have shallow roots, so make sure the top layer does not dry out. These plants absorb a lot of water, especially when they are blooming. Faded flowers will fall off the stem on their own.
Once you see flower buds, start feeding the plant with a fertilizer that is low-nitrogen and high-phosphorus at two-week intervals.
Other Tips
These bulbs are not hardy. You will have to remove them from the soil and store them. Do this before the first frost comes to your area. Store them in a cool, dry location so you can plant them next year. Here is an article on how to store your tender bulbs.
These bulbs can be started indoors as early as March. Place them in a warm location with light. Once the risk of frost has passed, they can be moved outdoors.