5 Of The Most Popular and Great Looking Indoor Plants

Indoor plants find a place in the hearts of many people because of the way they brighten up your environment. You can have them dangling from your balcony or climbing onto your window ledge and if you have a small apartment, you can fill up the space with some indoor plants.

According to the Floral Marketing Fund’s 2021 study on Consumer Houseplant Purchasing done during the pandemic, Florists’ Review found houseplant owners felt their plants helped offset some of the negativity felt during COVID-19. It also noted that indoor plant purchasers increased their purchases related to houseplant and hobby gardening perhaps because more people were cooped up at home during the pandemic and wanted to beautify the spaces in which they were spending most of their time. This need for beauty, the purchasers added, was something they anticipated would increase and be reflected in their purchasing behavior.

The study also found indoor plant purchasers were no longer the domain of unmarried millennials. The report states that, among purchasers, there is representation across the board in age, gender, household size, and geographic location. The report summarized houseplants have not only expanded to a new consumer segment for the green industry but also deepened the current houseplant appreciation of baby boomers and Generation X consumers.

We recently received a list of the top 100 trendiest houseplants, so we thought we would highlight some of the most popular ones. Here are our top five picks for popular and great-looking indoor plants:

Amazonia Bambino Alocasia – This plant is a unique and attractive indoor plant. It has long leaves with bright veining. The shape of the leaves is like an arrowhead plant. It is a dwarf series only growing to about 12 inches tall. From the start, it is a little more difficult to take care of than other houseplants. It lives to be in a tropical environment, meaning it likes high humidity and warmth. It needs bright indirect light and the soil need to be kept moist. Too much light will burn the leaves (I have done this myself). The plant is toxic to pets.

Monstera adansonii – This plant is also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant or Monkey Mask. It is very popular and is known for its heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are fenestrated (have openings) that give them a lacy feel.  It is like the Monstera deliciosa plant, just smaller.  Monstera adansonii is easy to care for, it just needs an environment that is warm and humid with regular access to water. Place it in a location where it gets 6 to 8 hours of bright indirect light. The plant does like to be misted. Indoors the plant can grow 3 to 5 feet. It can be grown from a cutting, so if you have a friend with a healthy plant, ask for a cutting. The plant is green all year long giving your home a cheerful look.

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma – This plant is also known as Mini Monstera because of its split leaves. Many people also think it is a philodendron, but it is neither. Its leaves are smaller than the popular Monstera deliciosa, but it gets its fenestration at an earlier age. The plant can be grown as a vine, or it can be pruned back to keep it full and bushy. If it is not pruned, it can grow more than six feet. It can be grown on tabletops or even hanging baskets, eventually making it a floor plant. The plant prefers to be dry rather than wet, so don’t overwater it. Grow it in medium to bright indirect light.  The leaves can burn if it is placed in a location where it gets afternoon sun. While it does like humidity, it will be fine in average room conditions.

Marble Queen Pothos - Marble Queen Pothos is popular because it's low maintenance and easy to grow and it is also nice looking. It can also go by the names devil’s ivy or money plant. This tropical beauty is known for having creamy white and green variegated foliage. When grown in a hanging basket its leaves look wonderful cascading over the edge. It will grow about 2 feet if grown in a pot but can grow up to 20 feet if you let it crawl up a wall. The plant can grow in almost any condition but will grow faster if placed in medium to bright indirect light. The brighter the light, the better for its variegated foliage. The foliage will burn in direct sunlight. The plant does not need a lot of watering, in fact, neglect is a good thing. If the leaves turn yellow, you have overwatered. A humid environment is a good thing for this plant. In the winter if the tips turn brown, the air is too dry. I have one of these plants and love it.

Pink Princess Philodendron – Philodendron was one of my first houseplants. They are easy to take care of and grow. This plant is a variegated philodendron. The leaves on the plant are dark green to purple and have streaks and splashes of pink. Each leaf on the plant is different. One can have some dots or streaks of pink or silvery pink and another leaf is completely pink. The plant is like a vine and is slow growing. It will eventually need a support or trellis.  When fully mature, the plant can be more than 6 inches and leaves can even grow up to one foot.  The plant needs bright indirect light. While it can grow in low-light conditions it will lose its pink variation and not grow as fast. The pink leaves lack chlorophyll and are more susceptible to getting sunburn if exposed to too much light.  It will do well in most growing conditions and does not need to be watered a lot. Overwatering will damage the plant.

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