Last week we presented our top annuals and this week we are going to let you know our top perennials selections for the year. Perennials are great because they are hardy and do not need as much care when compared to annual plants.  They also come back year-after-year.  Most perennials have strong root systems that let them tolerate dry spells.

Here are our top 5 perennials for the year:

Number 5 on our list is Red Ice Sedum. We are big fans of succulent plants and grow Red Ice Sedum. Sedum album 'Red Ice' is a very low groundcover plant with tiny evergreen foliage that changes from blue-green in the spring/summer to red in the fall/winter.  In the summer, the plant can flower with white blooms appearing in the summer, around July.  Red Ice Sedum does best when planted in a sunny, dry location in well-drained soil.   The plant is easy to grow and does seed on its own but is very easy to control or move if it comes up somewhere it isn't wanted. This sedum is very resilient and will acclimate to most environments. It is hardy for zones 4 – 8.

Next on our list at number 4 is Betulia.  Betulia are a small summer flowering series in the Begonia family. The origins of this beautiful bloomer lie in the tropical rain forests of Asia, Africa, and America.  We were first introduced to Betulia at the California Spring Trials this year.  The plant is easy to grow and need little maintenance.  You can grow them on a patio, on your balcony, or in a hanging basket.  The blooms on this plant come in a variety of cheerful pinks and red and flower from early spring to autumn.  Plant in well-drained soil and fertilize the plant every two weeks. Betulia can also be an indoor plant in a brightly lit location. The plant is drought tolerant as well and water/rain tolerant. In warmer geographies, the plant should be grown in a shady garden location with morning sun, but protected from the afternoon sun.

In the middle of our list is Lewisia. This beautiful plant is a member of the Portulaca family.  The plant has fleshy green leaves and is considered a succulent.  The plant blooms in the spring and early summer. Lewisias are native wildflowers found in the Pacific Northwest and the Rocky Mountains. The plant is named after the explorer, Meriwether Lewis, who discovered it. It is also the state flower of Montana.  In terms of growing this plant, it is very important for Lewisias to have excellent drainage as the plant can rot in the winter months.  They like cooler weather but need to be grown in the full sun. The plant looks great in a rock garden and can also be grown as a houseplant. It is hardy for zones 3-8.

Butterfly Weed is number 2 on our list. Butterfly Weed is a North American native plant also known as Asclepias Tuberosa.  The plant has clustered orange or yellow flowers.  As its name indicates it is a favorite flower for butterflies but it also attracts hummingbirds and bees throughout the blooming season.  The small flowers are nectar and pollen-rich and bloom June to August. Butterfly Weed plants spread by way of seeds, which are released from large pods in early autumn. Butterfly Weed is easy to grow and thrives in bright sunlight. The plant is drought tolerant and does well in even in poor, dry soil.

Are you ready for our top choice for 2019? It is Allium Caeruleum.  We are fans of blue flowers and this allium has flowers that are deep blue. The color is stunning.   These true blue flowers attract bees and other pollinators to your garden. This flower blooms in early summer. Plant these bulbs behind or among low growing perennials or annuals for a distinctive touch to any garden. This Allium could also be planted in large clusters for an eye-catching display. These flowers are easy to grow and deer and rabbit resistant. They are hardy for zones 2-10. 

Let us know which perennials make your list this year!

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