Nothing is more unique in the garden or in nature for that matter than the color blue. Plants with “true blue” flowers and leaves are hard to come by and as a result are coveted by gardeners around the globe. I make this bold statement based upon a YouGov Poll that found that blue was the most popular color in the world! It’s not hard to see why when you look at the blue skies and deep blue oceans that surround us. If you don’t think the color blue has anything to do with the month of May than maybe this fact will change your mind. The next blue moon, a phenomenon that occurs only every 3 years, is scheduled to occur on May 21st, 2016.
The color blue is said to symbolize stability and trust just like that feeling we get when we see spring-flowering bulbs such as Wood Hyacinths, Delft Blue Muscari also known as the Grape Hyacinth and Windflowers that return to greet us year after year. That feeling of tranquility is with us all through the spring as Iris, perennial Salvia and Forget-Me-Nots take over from the bulbs and there is nothing more dramatic than a field of Texas Blue Bonnets in full bloom.
Someone in the fashion industry once said of the color blue “it is like the color black in your closet, it goes with everything”. The same holds true in the summer garden. After all, what 4th of July celebration would be complete without the old red, white and blue? Try red Geraniums, blue Ageratum and white Sweet Alyssum for a patriotic display or how about a hanging basket or container for red, white and blue petunias? It’s not only the flower garden where the color blue stands out. How about your blueberry patch or if you don’t have the room try growing dwarf blueberries on your deck or patio. Blue Spruce Sedum and Festuca Grass are great choices for hot, dry locations and Blue Mountain Hosta is a sure winner in moist soil and shady conditions.
As summer turns to fall the temperatures start to cool and the color blue can enhance that cool feeling. Asters and Chrysanthemums are flowers that are synonymous with the fall but there are other plants that come to mind as well. Russian Sage starts blooming in the summer but it will continue to flower well into October and November if the temperatures are mild and you can also plant Ornamental Kale and Pansies for blooms that you can enjoy even during the winter and early spring. Fall is also a great time to plant perennials for next year and blue flowers like Veronica and Scabiosa also called Pin-Cushion flower can be planted at this time of the year.
Finally, just because winter arrives doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the color blue both inside your home and in your garden. Try forcing Hyacinths for their wonderful fragrance as well as their pretty blue flower and you can jazz up your home with blue orchids too. If you plant evergreens like Blue Spruce, Leyland Cyprus and Creeping Blue Juniper you’ll be able to witness a real colorful treat when they are draped in white snow.
Writing this article has made me stop to think, maybe blue isn’t such a rare color after all but I sure do understand why it seems to be a lot of people’s favorite color!