Purpleicious is not a real word, but we think it means something that is delicious and beautiful. It is a combination of the words "purple" and "delicious". In the garden, purple is often used in borders and can be combined with other colors to create an elegant and sophisticated effect. The color purple is seen as feminine and romantic, but it has also been viewed as a powerful color for centuries. It was considered to be the color of kings and emperors, as well as the color of Jesus’ robes.

Purple is a mix of blue and red and looks wonderful with almost every other color in the garden. It provides a beautiful contrast with bright yellow and orange, goes equally well with softer pinks and blues, and is elegant with white and soft green foliage. There is a perfect purple plant for you whether you are looking for a groundcover, shrub, or a plant for full sun or shade.

Here are six purple plants we think look great in any garden: 

Balloon Flower – Balloon flower is a perennial native to China and is also known as Platycodon grandiflorus. The plant gets its name from the inflated shape of its large lavender flowers, which resemble balloons. This distinctive shape attracts pollinators such as bees, who get nectar from the flowers. They are a beautiful and delicate plant that is relatively easy to grow making them a popular choice for gardeners. This plant can grow in pots or containers, and they don't need a lot of maintenance to stay healthy. You just need to water them every day and make sure that they get enough sunlight.

Catmint – Catmint is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows up to 3 feet tall. They have long, woolly leaves and spikes of tiny purplish-pink flowers. The leaves have a strong minty smell when crushed or brushed against. The plant is native to Europe. It grows best in temperate climates with full sun exposure, but it can also grow successfully in shady areas like forests or woodlands. These plants are used in folk medicine to treat mild anxiety, insomnia, and depression.

Lavender – Lavender is a popular perennial herb that can be grown in many different climates and conditions. It grows up to 3 feet tall with slender stems and narrow leaves. The flowers are purple, violet, or white and grow in bunches called spikes. Lavender prefers a sunny location, but it can also grow in partial shade. It has been cultivated for centuries, primarily for its scent and as an ingredient in culinary and medicinal recipes. The plant should be planted in an area that gets full sun and has well-drained soil. It should also not be planted too close to other plants because it will spread its roots rapidly. If you want to harvest lavender for its flowers, it is best to wait until late summer when the flowers are fully developed and fragrant.

Liatris - Liatris is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family, native to North America. The perennial plant is also known as blazing star or gayfeather. The purple flowers grow in clusters on top of a long stem. They can be used as cut flowers in floral arrangements. The plant starts growing in the spring and blossoms in the late summer. While this plant can survive dry climates, it can also tolerate moderate cold temperatures.

Lilacs – Lilacs are one of the most popular and well-known purple flowering plants. They are native to North America and Europe. There is a wide variety of lilac types with different colors, shapes, sizes, fragrances, and growing habits. Lilacs can grow up to 10 feet tall and have flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer. The most common type of lilac is the Syringa vulgaris which has purple flowers with a sweet fragrance that attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators.  It is important to water lilac plants regularly because they need at least one inch of water per week. They can be grown in full or partial sun.

Purpletop Vervain - Purpletop Vervain is a tender perennial plant that grows in the ground. It is a native plant of southern South American tropical regions.  The plant grows 24 to 70 inches tall and spreads 16 to 36 inches. Small purple flowers bloom atop long stems from early summer to the first frost. Their stem is woody helping to make it a low maintenance plant. They are great to grow in masses within beds and borders and, cottage gardens giving the garden a meadow/prairie effect.

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