In September, you are likely to still have warm days but the nights will be cooler.  While the planting season is winding down, there are still flowers you can plant to give your garden some liveliness as summer flowers are diminishing.  While fall starts this month, there are also vegetables you can grow before the first frost comes.  If you want to keep your soil warm, make sure you remove the mulch and try putting plastic sheets on the soil to trap the heat.

Listed below are flowers and vegetables that are great to start planting in September:




These daisy-like flowers are perennials and have starry-shaped flowers.  They come in a variety of sizes and colors. The flowers bloom in late summer through fall when other summer flowers are fading.  Asters come in many colors ranging from white to pastel blue and pink to mixes of scarlet and purple. Depending on the variety they can grow from 1 to 3 feet, there are some that grow up to 6 feet. They will grow in all types of soil but do best in well-drained soil.  It can also be planted in containers.  Asters are hardy for zones 3-10, depending on the variety.  Here is more information on Asters.


Calendula flowers come in bright orange and yellow and are part of the daisy family.  Calendula is also known as pot marigold. The plant is an herb and has culinary and medicinal purposes.  The petals are edible and can be used in salads.  It is an annual flower that will reseed. Calendula grows up to two feet tall and likes sunny dry weather.  The flowers close in cold or moist conditions.  The plant can grow in most soils and just needs moderate watering.  Find out more about Calendula.


Pansies are cool weather flowers and will brighten up any garden. The flowers are available in a wide variety of colors. They are easy to grow and have a long flowering season. They like rich well-drained soil and planted in full sun to partial shade. To get your flowers to continuously grow, remove the spent flowers. Pansies grow easily from seed but it takes a little while (12 weeks), so we recommend you get small plants. 



Garlic is a vegetable that gets planted in the fall for a harvest in the spring.  It is a member of the Allium family.  The plant is easy to grow and requires little space in the garden. Garlic gets planted in a sunny location in well-drained soil.  The best way to plant garlic is in rows 4-6 inches deep and 1.5 to 2 feet apart.  In Northern climates, cover them with 6-inches of mulch to protect them in the winter.  Planting Garlic in raised beds is a great idea. Garlic is used in many recipes and also tastes great roasted.  It is hardy for zones 3-10.  Get more details on How To Plant Garlic.


This popular vegetable can be grown just about anywhere. Not only is it grown in a vegetable garden but it is easily grown in a container on a deck or even hydroponically on a kitchen countertop. Lettuce grows quickly and depending on the variety, its leaves can taste sweet or bitter. It does best in cool temperatures and prefers sun to partly shady conditions. There are numerous varieties of lettuce available and many can be harvested within 45 days of planting. If the leaves are picked regularly the plants will continue to grow and you’ll have salads for weeks to come.  See more Tips On Growing Lettuce


Spinach is another cool-weather vegetable that is very easy to grow.  The plant is excellent for you eaten raw or cooked.  It is a compact vegetable, so that means it can be grown in any corner of your garden or even in a container.  Plant it in full sun or part sun/part shade. It needs to be planted in moist, well-drained soil in rich organic matter.  The plant needs to be watered regularly, to keep the soil moist.

Let us know what you are planning to grow this September.

Pansy photo courtesy of Jill Mazur.

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