Reblooming bearded irises are a fantastic choice for anyone looking to add a burst of color and beauty to their garden. These beauties were one of my father’s favorite flowers because of their ability to brighten up any garden. These irises are known for their ability to bloom multiple times in a single season. For most varieties, this means a strong spring bloom with a moderate late summer into late fall. This makes them an excellent option for those who want early and late blooms during the growing season.

From deep purples and blues to bright yellows and pinks, and spectacular white varieties these irises can add a pop of color that instantly catches the eye. With their stunning array of colors and intricate petal patterns, these flowers can instantly transform a dull or monotonous landscape into a visually captivating oasis.

Not only do these irises provide an aesthetic boost, but they also offer versatility in terms of blooming periods. Unlike other irises that typically bloom only in spring or early summer, reblooming bearded irises have the remarkable ability to produce blooms throughout the growing season. Some varieties rebloom three to four times in a season. This means that you can enjoy their beauty and charm for an extended period, ensuring your garden remains colorful and lively for many months.

These flowers require minimal maintenance compared to other plants. They are known for their resilience and adaptability, making them suitable for various climate conditions and soil types. This also makes them suitable for various regions and garden settings. Once established, they require little more than regular watering, occasional fertilizing, and dividing every two to three growing seasons. Dividing is relatively easy and allows you to spread these plants to different parts of your garden or share them with your family or friends.  

Growing and Planting Tips

When To Plant – When it comes to planting reblooming bearded irises, timing is key. The best time to plant reblooming bearded irises is in late summer or early fall. This allows the plants enough time to establish their roots before winter sets in. Ideally, plant them about 4-6 weeks before your first expected frost date.

How to Plant - When planting your reblooming bearded irises, dig a hole wide and deep enough to accommodate the rhizome (the thickened stem-like structure). Place the rhizome horizontally on top of a mound of soil in the hole and spread out its roots. Cover it with soil so that only about a third of the rhizome is visible above ground.

Soil – Reblooming bearded irises prefer well-drained soil, so make sure the planting area has good drainage or consider adding organic matter such as compost to improve soil structure. They like fertile and slightly acidic soil.

Light - To ensure successful growth and flowering, choose a location that receives full sun for at least 6 hours a day. Afternoon shade is suitable for the plant especially if you are in a warm climate. They also require good air circulation to prevent diseases.

Water - During the active growing season, which typically spans from spring to early autumn, reblooming bearded irises should receive about 1 inch of water per week. If rainfall is insufficient, supplemental watering may be necessary. Mulching around the plants can help conserve moisture and prevent weed growth. Just be careful not to place mulch on top of the rhizome which would block sunlight from reaching it. Once planted, water thoroughly and continue regular watering throughout their first growing season. Be sure to keep an eye on moisture levels as excessive wetness can lead to rotting. When watering your irises, it's crucial to provide a deep soak rather than light sprinkling. This encourages the plant's roots to grow deeper and helps prevent shallow root development. Reblooming bearded irises are relatively drought-tolerant once established but still require regular moisture during their active growth period.

Temperature and Humidity – Reblooming bearded irises are known for their bright, vibrant colors and their ability to thrive in a variety of climates and temperatures. They have no specific humidity requirements.

Fertilizer – When it comes to fertilizing reblooming bearded irises, a low-nitrogen fertilizer is best to use for the health and growth of the plant.  During the growing season, an effective fertilizing schedule for reblooming bearded irises includes two applications. The first application is in spring when growth starts to emerge. The second application is done in late summer or early fall. This final feeding will help prepare the plants for winter dormancy and ensure healthy root development for next year's blooms.

Other Care Tips - As for care and maintenance after planting, remember to remove any dead leaves or spent blooms regularly. This helps maintain cleanliness and prevents potential disease spread.

Dividing - Dividing these perennial flowers is an important step in maintaining their health and promoting continued blooming. Reblooming bearded irises are fast growers, so they need to be divided regularly. If you notice the number of blooms on your plants has dwindled from previous seasons, that is a sign they need to be divided. The best time to divide reblooming bearded irises is usually in late summer or early fall after the plants have finished flowering for the season. This allows the newly separated plants enough time to establish their roots before winter. For more information on Dividing Irises.

Toxicity – Reblooming bearded irises are toxic to both pets and humans if ingested. 

Reblooming bearded irises can bring vibrant colors and beauty to your garden year after year if planted with care and given proper attention. Enjoy their blossoms as they grace your outdoor space multiple times throughout the seasons!

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