If you read our blog regularly (which we hope you do) you will know each year we select our five favorite perennials and annuals.  This year we are going to start with perennials.  Perennials are great plants because they can survive in diverse environments and produce flowers and seeds for the next year. These plants are more economical and require less time to take care of than annuals.  If you grow or are interested in growing perennials, here are some considerations:

  • The type of climate that the plant is best suited for
  • The impact on other organisms in an environment
  • The soil requirements of the plant

We are starting with our number five plant, which is spiderwort. Spiderwort also goes by the name Tradescantia.  It is a plant that has pretty flowers which are usually a beautiful vivid purple. They also come in blue and pink. The plant is native to North America, and it got its name from the way that it looks like a spider's web. Spiderworts can be found in grassy and wet areas, and they prefer to grow in marshy areas or moist soil.  It is easy to care for and the blooms last for weeks. The plant grows up to 24 inches tall and 12 to 18 inches wide. Hardy for zones 4-7.

The next on our list is Forever Susan Asiatic Lily.  Asiatic Lilies are easy to grow and this particular one has colorful, deep burgundy flowers highlighted with orange accents.  In the summer, you will enjoy an abundance of gorgeous blooms.  This lily also makes an excellent cut flower.  The plant grows 2 to 3 feet tall.  Plant your bulbs in well-drained soil in full sun to part shade.  If you plant your bulbs in pots, you can plant them any time from spring to fall.  Another idea is to plant them in groups of 3 for a beautiful display.  Hardiness zones 3-9.

Our number three perennial is Leucanthemum Double Angel Daisy®.  This daisy reminds us of a coneflower.  It has a white skirt of slender reflexed petals that surround a center disk of short frilled white petals with a glowing yellow center.  Daisies symbolize purity, innocence, loyal love, beauty, and patience.  This Shasta daisy will provide you with luxurious summer flowers that go well with other flowers and is also a pollinator magnet.  Plant them in a sunny location.  Deadhead them to promote further blooming.  Provide them with plenty of space as they do not like to be crowded.  They can be divided every 2-3 years in spring or fall.  Hardiness zones 4-9.

Lemon Bee Balm is number two on our list.  This flower is a prolific grower.  It grows faster than its relative Bergamot Lavender.  They are dense pink/light purple and grow 18-24 inches tall.  The flowers will bloom late spring through summer.  It can even grow into the fall with regular watering.  The flower is edible and can be used in tea, salads, and to flavor meat and seafood.  As the name suggests, bees love this plant.  The foliage has an oregano scent when crushed.  It can be grown from seeds. Hardiness zones 3-9.

Our top perennial for the year is Camassia Quamash. This plant is native to the Pacific Northwest and has beautiful lavender-blue flowers with yellow anthers and a green center.  The flowers have six petals and are about two inches in diameter. They open from the bottom to top and bloom in late spring and early summer depending on your hardiness zone. It typically shows itself after tulips and daffodils bloom, right before your summer perennials and annuals kick in.  On top of this, it makes an excellent cut flower.  It is best grown in fertile soil in full sun to partial shade.  It prefers the soil to have a little more moisture. The plant is also deer and rodent repellant.  Hardiness zones 4-8.

Let us know what you think of our selections!

Leucanthemum Double Angel Daisy® Photo courtesy of Green Fuse Botanicals.

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