For our next Project Beautiful round-up we have selected the color pink.  We found that the color pink is associated with romance and beauty by many of us but it’s also considered a symbol of politeness, sensitivity, and tenderness too. Our pink series showcases many articles on using pink in your garden and we also have some great tips for when you prepare Salmon. Hope you enjoy our series.    

Lee, from A Guide For Northeast Gardening, writes about Hellebores, also known as Lenten Rose or Christmas Rose. This flower is grown for their winter interest in the garden. This plant starts blooming in the winter and will add color during a time when your garden dormant. Lee shares some beautiful photographs of these pretty blooms and shares her own experience growing these plants.  Lee has a new book out titled, Landscape Design Combinations. It is available on Amazon. This book has a greater emphasis on design than her previous book.  Read the entire article here.

Lynne from Sensible Garden shares her article on Pink Perennials. Lynne states in general, she is not a fan of the color pink, but she loves it for the garden. Lynne also provides insights to other colors you can have in the garden that goes well with pink. The article has beautiful photographs that give you great ideas on pink flowers that you might want to add to your garden. Lynne’s full article can be read here.

Have you ever wanted to know the difference between Wild Caught vs Farm Raised Salmon? You can read about it in Terri’s article on Our Good Life.  Terri is a big fan of Salmon and shares her favorite way of preparing Salmon. I will certainly have to give it a try. She has received rave reviews on this recipe, make sure you read it here today!

The last post is from Blooming Secrets. Our post is from our Year In Color Series. This one is titled The Many Shades of Pink. We highlight many different pink flowers, so you can have a little pink in your garden year round.  We start with the color pink in the summer. You can have Pink Cannas, as well as Pink Bougainvillea and Petunias. Read our entire post and discover other great plants you can add to have pink in your life all year.  Learn more here!.

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