Perennials are plants that grow for more than two years. They are wonderful because they come back every year and bloom again, and they provide a lot of color and interest to a garden.

They are easy to maintain as they require much less care than annuals or even some shrubs. One of the ways they are easy to maintain is they don’t need to be replanted each season. Perennials can be divided and transplanted without harm to the plant. They also have a deep root system that helps them survive through droughts or periods of neglect and they can develop new roots when cut back severely during winter months.  This also means you get more for your money because of their growth and blooming capacity!

If you are thinking of freshening up your garden or landscape, now is a great time to plant some new perennials. This will guarantee that you have a great start next season.

Here are five wonderful perennials to try in your garden:

Allium - Allium is a spring-flowering bulb that is related to the onion. It comes in a variety of sizes and colors with flowers that range in size from that of a quarter to the size of your fist. The most popular variety is Globemaster which can grow up to 4 feet tall. Allium is hardy in garden zones 4 to 8 and they prefer sunny conditions with soil that drains well. The bulb should be planted in the fall, about 3 to 4 inches deep. They are a great choice for the rear of a border where their unique flowering balls can be easily seen while the more unattractive foliage can be hidden by other plants.

Coreopsis - This daisy-like plant is familiar to many because of its bright yellow long-lasting flowers. It also is available in orange, pink, red, and eye-catching bicolors.  It is a North American native prairie plant that is tough and can withstand deer. There are over 80 species of this plant and half of them are native to North America. There have been many color advancements by breeders in recent years that have created some annual varieties that bloom from summer through fall, with no deadheading. Full sun (6-8 hours daily) is optimal for the best blooms. The plant will tolerate just about any soil type if it is well-draining.  It is easy to grow and maintain while being drought tolerant. The name tickseed refers to the round seeds it produces which look like ticks. Birds and other wildlife love to eat them in the fall and winter, while their flowers are a magnet for pollinators. Hardiness zones 3-9.

Creeping Jenny - Creeping Jenny is an evergreen groundcover that thrives in damp soil conditions. Its green foliage can take on a yellow hue in bright sunny conditions and it also produces yellow flowers in the summer. It will do well in partial shade as well and is generally not bothered by pests or diseases. It can also be used in pots where it will spill over the edges of the container or weave itself in between other plants. Once established it requires little care, but it can be invasive in some areas so give it lots of room to spread!

Dianthus - Dianthus are also called pinks. There are annual and perennial varieties of this pretty flower. Most grow 1 to 2 feet tall and the flowers come in pink, red, salmon, white, or even combinations of these colors. Perennial Dianthus stay evergreen all year round and even the annual varieties will stick around for a few years if they are planted in a spot that they like. Dianthus prefers soil that drains well and is on the dry side. They should be planted in full to part-sun conditions and work equally well in containers as they do as a bedding plant. Deadheading will encourage a longer blooming period and keep the plants looking neat.

Red Hot Poker - Red Hot Poker, also known as Torch Lily, is a dramatic back-of-the-border perennial. It grows 2 to 5 feet tall, and its flower spikes come in shades of yellow, orange, and red. Most varieties have tops that are red/orange on the top and yellow on the bottom. Depending on the variety, they bloom from June to August and look best planted in groups of 3 or more. They are drought tolerant once established and will be long-lived if they find a spot that suits them. After the plants finish blooming, you can keep the spikes in place for visual interest or remove them and trim the grass-like foliage for a neater appearance.

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